Chapelton Scarecrow Festival FAQs

November 2, 2019

Chapelton Scarecrow Festival

When is the Festival?

The festival will run for the whole of August, with judging taking place throughout the month of August for the community choice and group entry award, and the prize giving at the Chapelton Bike Ride on the first weekend in September. The Judges for first, second and third place will take place in the last week of August.

Can I enter?

If you live in Chapelton we would love you to join our festival! We also welcome entries from groups, clubs, societies and businesses located in, or associated with Chapelton for our group category.

Can I enter more than one scarecrow?

Unfortunately no, only one individual entry per person is accepted, however-we will accept more than one entry per household-so if you want to challenge your spouse or get the children to make a scarecrow each-that is definitely allowed!!!

How much does it cost to enter?

It’s totally free to enter! You could even win a prize!! The Elsick estate have also generously agreed to donate straw to stuff you scarecrow-simply email and let us know if you require some!

How do I enter?

Email to let us know you’re joining us-and if you are an individual or a group and we will issue you with a number card to enable your scarecrow to be entered into the competition. Numbers should be attached to your scarecrow or very close by, e.g. on a gate, and easily visible for judges.

When is the entry deadline?

You can enter at any time, and entry numbers will be issued in the last week of July to enable you to get your scarecrow out in August to maximise your chances in the community choice award. However, entries will be accepted until the 18th of August.

What if I don’t have a front garden?

If you don’t have a front garden you are welcome to display your scarecrow in Hume Square or Liddell Park.

Does my Scarecrow have to follow the theme?

No, if you have a fabulous idea for a scarecrow that doesn’t follow the theme we would love to see it! We would only ask that all entries are family friendly! No X-rated scarecrows please!

About CCAA

Located in Chapelton, Cairnhill Community Allotment Association are a small community of allotmenteers. Formed in 2019, we are a hardy mixed bunch of enthusiastic amatuers and seasoned gardeners digging in the north east of scotland.

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