Cairnhill Community Allotment Association
Located in Chapelton, we are a small community of allotmenteers
Located in Chapelton, we are a small community of allotmenteers. Formed in 2019, we are a hardy mixed bunch of enthusiastic amatuers and seasoned gardeners digging in the north east of scotland.
It would be very wasteful not to start a compost heap - or three! Almost everything can go onto it (except diseased stuff) and in a year or so you will have a good supply at no cost! 3 or 4 pallets make an ideal bin and can be joined together with wire. Remember, any green waste is your responsibility to recycle or dispose of in a legal manner, please do not compost any thing on site that could attract vermin. Waste should not be dumped anywhere on the allotment site and no bonfires should be lit, as this may cause problems with neighbouring houses.
Anyone considering a structure for your plot please review the rules and bye-laws and consult a committe member.
Please remember good hand hygine and social distancing when visiting your plot. We have temporarily suspended public access to help protect our members.
Having a garden in full bloom with beautiful plants and flowers is something we all would love, however for many it can seem like a whole lot of effort. Knowing which plants to grow, what soil is best and when to sow seeds can be confusing, putting people off.